This past week has flown by. I can't believe it's December... it's getting a bit chillier, but it's not snowing, so I'm happy about that! I checked out the weather for the coming up weekend, and it looks like it's

going to be warming up... in the 60's in December; I'm pretty happy about that! This weekend was a blast. Actually, this week... on Wednesday a bunch of us went out for dinner and drinks. We have two new teachers, Joel and Derek, so all of us newbies are attempting to get to know each other better. We headed to a near by Western bar called WA bar. It was a great setting, and pretty relaxed. We had some beers and conversed before heading to Haeundae. There is a great bar there called Rock and Roll Bar. It's also very Westernized. They have pool, darts and beer pong! You can't find that in many bars. So, we all played a couple rounds and enjoyed ourselves until 3 am! The next day, we all had work, then ended up doing the same thing... again. We had Korean BBQ for dinner at a place down the street from our school. We have no idea what the actual place is called, but the owner smiles a lot... and by a lot, I mean, he has no other emotion other than 'smiley.' So, we call it Smiley's. Which makes me smile. After dinner, some of us headed to our favorite drinking hole in the Jangsan area. It's a Soju tent. I've mentioned this place before. It's basically a tent with tables, heaters, bulgolgi kabobs and alcohol. We hung out there for an or two before crossing the street to another favorite spot- Hite Bar. This bar is named after the local brew- Hite. It's the Budweiser of Korea and tastes good when you're thirsty! Side note- Koreans are obsessed and in love with eggs. They put eggs in and on everything. For example, at Hite Bar, they serve you two fried eggs, even if you just order a beer. Who would have though eggs would go well with a glass of beer... obviously, the Koreans. So, after eating our fried eggs and drinking our beers, we headed home for the night. THEN, Friday rolled around and the same group of newbies,

plus DJ (one of the teachers that has been there for a year) met up after work. We all headed out to the "downtown" of Busan to a bar called O'Brians. It was a girl's birthday party and a magazine launch party. So, the bar was packed... literally, you couldn't move. It was definitely against fire code! So, after a few drinks at the bar, we headed to Kyungsun. This is a young, hip area of Busan full of bars and college aged students. We headed to a bar called ZipCode. There was a mix of Westerners and Koreans at the bar. We sat down, ordered a drink and enjoyed the chatter with the bartenders. As the night progressed, we met a couple "B-boys." B stands for Breakdance. These guys were amazing dancers, and with the liquid courage, all of us 'whities' decided to join/challenge these guys to a dancing contest. Let's just say, we had fun and they are much better at dancing than us. After another stop at another bar, we headed home and called it a very late night! Saturday afternoon, we all met up, again and headed to the Sports Complex to watch the KT Sonic Boom basketball game. It was so much fun... and all of us got on TV!!! The team lost, which was disappointing, but we shrugged off the loss and headed to a warm restaurant for some food. I called it an early night... I wasn't feeling well (maybe too much beer, maybe not!) And now, today, I am being lazy, relaxing at the local coffee spot. It's become my thing for Sunday.
Wanna bar hop with you!